Disability, Occupational Therapy Emily Hayles Disability, Occupational Therapy Emily Hayles

The Crucial Role of Routines and Visual Schedules for Kids

In the ever-evolving landscape of parenting, one constant remains unchanged: children thrive on routine. Establishing a sense of predictability and order in a child's life not only provides a stable foundation but also fosters crucial developmental skills. One powerful tool that aids in creating routines is the use of visual schedules.

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Disability Disability

Celebrating (and not fearing) progressing on in therapy

When a child is first diagnosed with a developmental delay or disability, the child and parents can sometimes enter what feels like a whirlwind rollercoaster ride of assessments, goal setting, therapy appointments, home activities, and more therapy appointments.  So much time and effort is put into helping the child to learn new skills, integrate those skills into their every day life, and build their independence… And then the cycle repeats…. Set goals, learn new skills, integrate the skills into everyday life, build independence….

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What is 'telehealth', and why should I consider it for my child?

Telehealth is a term that refers to the delivery of health care services and support via any telecommunication technology.  A telehealth service can consist of videoconferencing, phone calls, emails and text or other direct messages.Telehealth can be used for many situations including assessment, direct therapy, parent education, teacher education and support, monitoring of home programs, virtual stakeholder meetings, equipment trials and prescription, and problem solving.

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